You can find Nightly Builds of the software at:

How to Build a Distribution

To build a binary release of OpenMeetings you need:

  • Oracle JDK11
  • Apache Maven (minimum) 3.5.0
  • Git

Get the source:

git clone

Run the command:

mvn clean install -P allModules

Run, Develop, Test

To develop Openmeetings you need to import maven project into Eclipse Import OM into Eclipse

Check for known vulnerabilities

mvn org.sonatype.ossindex.maven:ossindex-maven-plugin:audit -f pom.xml

Check for updates

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
mvn versions:display-property-updates

Check dependencies

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:analyze-only

Tips and Gotchas

Eclipse ANSI colors plugin for colors in console

MAVEN_OPTS='-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n' mvn clean -P allModules,quick,mysql jetty:run-exploded

#Quick rebuild and run
cd ..; mvn clean install -PallModules,quick,mysql -pl openmeetings-util,openmeetings-core; cd openmeetings-web; MAVEN_OPTS='-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n' mvn clean -P allModules,quick,mysql jetty:run-exploded


In case you would like to develop Openmeetings you need to run "unpacked" build:

mvn clean install -P allModules,unpacked,mysql -DskipTests=true -Dwicket.configuration=DEVELOPMENT


After modifications are made you can run "quick" build:

mvn install -P allModules,quick,mysql -pl openmeetings-web,openmeetings-server -Dwicket.configuration=DEVELOPMENT


Any number of projects can be specified during build:

mvn install -P allModules,quick,mysql -pl openmeetings-util,openmeetings-db,openmeetings-core,openmeetings-install,openmeetings-service,openmeetings-web,openmeetings-server,openmeetings-webservice -Dwicket.configuration=DEVELOPMENT

Working behind a proxy: If you are sitting behind a proxy you should add some proxy settings before starting the build process.
git config --global http.proxy
  • change proxyuser to your proxy user
  • change proxypwd to your proxy password
  • change to the URL of your proxy server
  • change 8080 to the proxy port configured on your proxy server

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are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.