Connecting external video source

Please NOTE: this functionality is not yet implemented in 5.0.x

correct ffmpeg command for testing (width/height only works if both specified)

ffmpeg -re -i Avengers2.mp4 -vcodec flv -f flv -rtmp_conn "O:1 NS:sid:SID_OF_EXISTENT_USER NN:width:720 NN:height:480 O:0" rtmp://localhost:1935/openmeetings/ROOM_ID/UNIQUE_BROADCAST_ID_STRING

Sending video from external camera on Linux: (more info here)

ffmpeg -re -f v4l2 -framerate 30 -video_size 720x480 -i /dev/video0 -vcodec flv -f flv -rtmp_conn "O:1 NS:sid:SID_OF_EXISTENT_USER NN:width:720 NN:height:480 O:0" rtmp://localhost:1935/openmeetings/ROOM_ID/UNIQUE_BROADCAST_ID_STRING

SID_OF_EXISTENT_USER == Admin->Connections -> client “sid” parameter (NOT broadcastId, NOT uid)

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