Automatic tests are the significant part of development process. Below is the instruction of how to run Openmeetings JUnit tests.


  1. running tests using command line:
    • all tests:
      mvn test
    • subset of tests by mask:
      mvn test -Dtest=TestUserService
  2. running tests from Eclipse IDE:
    • Start Eclipse
    • Load workspace with Openmeetings project (or refresh existing project)
    • Select "Debug Configurations..."

  • Create New Junit configuration, give it a name and select test class

  • Select Arguments tab
  • Add the following code to the VM section
    -javaagent:/home/solomax/.m2/repository/org/apache/openjpa/openjpa/3.0.0/openjpa-3.0.0.jar -Dom.home=${workspace_loc:openmeetings-web}/target/test-root/ -Dbackups.dir=${workspace_loc:openmeetings-web}/target/test-data
  • To avoid temporary files being created in OM root, modify "Working Directory" as follows

  • Select Debug

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